يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 31 نتيجة بحث عن '"Bowel cancer"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.61s تنقيح النتائج
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    المصدر: Assessing Frailty and Its Impacts in Older Patients Facing Major Gastrointestinal Surgery

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    المصدر: Diagnostic Yield of Video Capsule Endoscopy for Iron Deficiency Anaemia

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    المؤلفون: University of Glasgow

    المساهمون: Floor Christie-de Jong, Senior lecturer

    المصدر: Improving Uptake of Breast, Bowel and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Muslim Women: a Non-randomised Feasibility Study of a Peer-led, Faith-based Intervention

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    المساهمون: Edward Kim, Principal Investigator

    المصدر: Locally ablatIVe thErapy for oLigo-progressive gastrOintestiNal maliGnancies (LIVELONG)

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    المساهمون: Gabriel A. Brooks, Associate Professor of Medicine

    المصدر: Adaptive, Individualized Dose Escalation of Fluorouracil-Based Chemotherapy for Gastrointestinal Cancer: Pilot Study of the FOX Regimen

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    المساهمون: Dejan Ignjatovic, Professor

    المصدر: Surgery With Extended (D3) Mesenterectomy for Small Bowel Tumors

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    المصدر: A Phase 1/2a, First-in-Human (FIH), Open-Label, Dose-Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of the Monoclonal Antibody IMT-009 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors or Lymphomas

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    المصدر: Peoto RD, Speers C, McGahan CE, Renouf DJ, Schaeffer DF, Kennecke HF. Prognost factors and ses of metastas unresectable locally advanced pancreat cancer. Cancer Med. 2015 Aug;4(8):1171-7. do 10.1002/cam4.459. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
    Wang-Glam A, LCP, Bodoky G, Dean A, Shan YS, Jameson G, Macarulla T, Lee KH, Cunngham D, Blanc JF, Hubner RA, Ch CF, Schwartsmann G, Seke JT, Braeh F, Moyo V, Belanger B, Dhdsa N, Bayever E, Von Hoff DD, Chen LT; NAPOL1 Study Group. Nanolosomal otecan wh fluorourac and fol ac metastat pancreat cancer after prevus gemcabe-based therapy (NAPOL1): a global, randomed, open-label, phase 3 trl. Lancet. 2016 Feb 6;387(10018):545-557. do 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00986-1. Epub 2015 Nov 29. Erratum : Lancet. 2016 Feb 6;387(10018):536.
    Ahn BJ, ChoMK, Park YS, Lee J, Park SH, Park JO, L HY, Kang WK, Ko JW, Y DS. Populatn pharmacokets of CPT-11 (otecan) gastr cancer patnts wh peroneal seedg after s traperoneal admtratn. Eur J Cl Pharmacol. 2010 Dec;66(12):1235-45. do 10.1007/s00228-010-0885-3. Epub 2010 Sep 9.
    AlyamM, Hubner M, Grass F, Bakr N, Vleneuve L, Laplace N, Passot G, Glehen O, Kepenekn V. Pressured traperoneal aerosol chemotherapy: ratnale, evence, and potentl datns. Lancet Oncol. 2019 Jul;20(7):e368-e377. do 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30318-3.
    Chabot GG. Clal pharmacokets of otecan. Cl Pharmacoket. 1997 Oct;33(4):245-59. do 10.2165/00003088-199733040-00001.
    Cheung YK, Chappell R. Sequentl desns for phase clal trls wh late-onset toxs. Bmetrs. 2000 Dec;56(4):1177-82. do 10.1111/j.0006-341x.2000.01177.x.
    DaJ, Chen Y, Gong Y, WeJ, CuX, Yu H, Zhao W, Gu D, Chen J. The effacy and safety of otecan +/- bevacumab compared wh oxallat +/- bevacumab for metastat colorectal cancer: A meta-analys. Mede (Baltore). 2019 Sep;98(39):e17384. do 10.1097/MD.0000000000017384.
    Dakwar GR, ShartM, Wlaert W, Ceelen W, De Smedt SC, Remaut K. Nanomede-based traperoneal therapy for the treatment of peroneal carcomatos - Msn possle? Adv Drug Del Rev. 2017 Jan 1;108:13-24. do 10.1016/j.addr.2016.07.001. Epub 2016 Jul 13.
    Demtroder C, Solass W, Zren J, Strumberg D, Ger-Pabst U, Reymond MA. Pressured traperoneal aerosol chemotherapy wh oxallat colorectal peroneal metastas. Colorectal D. 2016 Apr;18(4):364-71. do 10.1111/cod13130.
    DGrg A, Sgarbura O, Rotolo S, Schena CA, Bagala C, zanF, Russo A, Chntera V, PacellF. Pressured traperoneal aerosol chemotherapy wh cplat and doxorub or oxallat for peroneal metastas from pancreat adenocarcoma and cholangcarcoma. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2020 Jul 24;12:1758835920940887. do 10.1177/1758835920940887. eCollectn 2020.
    Drummond DC, Noble CO, Guo Z, Hong K, Park JW, Kpot DB. Development of a hhly acte nanolosomal otecan usg a novel tralosomal stabatn strategy. Cancer Res. 2006 Mar 15;66(6):3271-7. do 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-4007.
    Gockel Jansen-Wkeln B, Haase L, Nbch S, Moulla Y, Lyros O, Lordk F, Schrle K, Wtekd C, Thme R. Pressured traPeroneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PAC) patnts wh peroneal metastased colorectal, appendeal and small bowel cancer. Tumor 2020 Feb;106(1):70-78. do 10.1177/0300891619868013. Epub 2019 Aug 30.
    Kerscher AG, Chua TC, Gasser M, Maeder U, Kunzmann V, bert C, Germer CT, Pelz JO. pact of peroneal carcomatos the dease htory of colorectal cancer management: a longudal expernce of 2406 patnts over two decades. Br J Cancer. 2013 Apr 16;108(7):1432-9. do 10.1038/bjc.2013.82. Epub 2013 Mar 19.
    Kurtz F, Struller F, Horvath P, Solass W, Bosmuller H, Konsraer A, Reymond MA. Feasy, Safety, and Effacy of Pressured traperoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PAC) for Peroneal Metastas: A Regtry Study. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2018 Oct 24;2018:2743985. do 10.1155/2018/2743985. eCollectn 2018.
    Lamb YN, Scott LJ. Losomal otecan: A Revw Metastat Pancreat Adenocarcoma. Drugs. 2017 May;77(7):785-792. do 10.1007/s40265-017-0741-1.
    Nlsen M, Graversen M, Ellebaek SB, Krtensen TK, Frtrup C, Pfefer P, Mortensen MB, Detlefsen S. Next-generatn sequencg and htologal response assessment peroneal metastas from pancreat cancer treated wh PAC. J Cl Pathol. 2021 Jan;74(1):19-24. do 10.1136/jclpath-2020-206607. Epub 2020 May 8.
    Ploug M, Graversen M, Pfefer P, Mortensen MB. Bectnal treatment of peroneal metastas wh Pressured traPeroneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PAC) and system chemotherapy: a systemat revw. BMC Cancer. 2020 Feb 10;20(1):105. do 10.1186/s12885-020-6572-6.
    ShartM, Wlaert W, Ceelen W, De Smedt SC, Remaut K. Aerosolatn of Nanotherapeuts as a Newly Emergg Treatment Regen for Peroneal Carcomatos. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jun 28;11(7):906. do 10.3390/cancers11070906.
    TaA, Geyl S, Salle H, Salle L, Mathonnet M, Ussegl J, Durand Fontanr S. Systemat revw of patnt reported outcomes (PROs) and qualy of le measures after pressured traperoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PAC). Surg Oncol. 2020 Dec;35:97-105. do 10.1016/j.suronc.2020.08.012. Epub 2020 Aug 20.
    YSY, Park YS, K HS, Jun HJ, K KH, Chang MH, Park MJ, Uhm JE, Lee J, Park SH, Park JO, Lee JK, Lee KT, L HY, Kang WK. otecan monotherapy as second-le treatment advanced pancreat cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2009 May;63(6):1141-5. do 10.1007/s00280-008-0839-y. Epub 2008 Oct 7.
    Intraperitoneal Aerosolized Nanoliposomal Irinotecan (Nal-IRI) in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis From Gastrointestinal Cancer: a Phase I Study

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    المساهمون: Jacob Antonsen, Senior Registrar

    المصدر: Kaz AM, Wong CJ, DzctkowskS, Luo Y, Schoen RE, Grady WM. Patterns of DNA methylatn the normal colon vary by anatomal locatn, gender, and age. Epenets. 2014 Apr;9(4):492-502. do 10.4161/ep27650. Epub 2014 Jan 10.
    Knht JM, K E, anov Davson LA, Goldsby JS, Hullar MA, Randolph TW, Kaz AM, Levy L, Lampe JW, Chapk RS. Comprehense se-spec whole genome profg of stromal and ephell colon gene snatures human smo colon and rectal tsue. Physl Genoms. 2016 Sep 1;48(9):651-9. do 10.1152/physlgenoms.00023.2016. Epub 2016 Jul 8.
    Forgue-Lafte ME, FabnB, Levy PP, Maur N, Flejou JF, Bara J. Abnormal expressn of M1/MUC5AC muc dtal colon of patnts wh dertul, ulcerate col and cancer. t J Cancer. 2007 Oct 1;121(7):1543-9. do 10.1002/c.22865.
    Costales-Carrera A, Fernandez-Barral A, Bustamante-Madr P, Domguez O, Guerra-Pastrn L, Cantero R, Del Peso L, Burgos A, Barbachano A, Munoz A. Comparate Study of Organos from Patnt-Dered Normal and Tumor Colon and Rectal Tsue. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Aug 15;12(8):2302. do 10.3390/cancers12082302.
    Buenrostro JD, Wu B, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ. ATAC-seq: A Method for Assayg Chromat Accessy Genome-We. Curr Protoc Mol Bl. 2015 Jan 5;109:21.29.1-21.29.9. do 10.1002/0471142727.mb2129s109.
    Cellular Composition of the Human Colon Using Single-cell RNA and Single-cell ATAC-sequencing.