دورية أكاديمية

德高学富 功业长存——《修辞学名家吴士文的故事》读后.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 德高学富 功业长存——《修辞学名家吴士文的故事》读后.
العنوان البديل: Reaction to Story of Rhetoric Master Wu Shiwen.
المؤلفون: 冯广艺1
المصدر: Journal of Eastern Liaoning University (Social Sciences). 2021, Vol. 23 Issue 6, p133-137. 5p.
مصطلحات موضوعية: *YOUNG adults, *STORYTELLING, *SELF-control, *RHETORIC, *SCHOLARS, *FAME, *APATHY
الملخص (بالإنجليزية): In The Story of Rhetoric Master Wu Shiwen, the authors tell the story of Wu Shiwens’ ordinary and outstanding life. These stories are inspiring and touching. They tell about Mr. Wu Shiwen’s noble character of teaching and educating people; the innovative characteristics of striving for excellence; the obsession with and hard thinking of the scholarly research; the devotion to carrying forward young scholars; the team style of gathering strength and overcoming difficulties; the indifference to fame and wealth and the excellent character of probity and? self-discipline. These stories will inspire more young people to remain true to their original aspiration and move forward. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Chinese): 《修辞学名家吴士文的故事》讲述的是我国著名修辞学家吴士文平凡而卓越的一生中的故事。这些故事催人奋进、感人肺腑。吴先生教书育人、诲人不倦的高尚品德;奋勇当先、追求卓越的创新特质;如痴如醉、殚精竭虑的治学境界;提携后学、甘为人梯的奉献精神;集结力量、克难攻坚的团队作风;热心公益、不为名利的优秀品格;克己奉公、廉洁自律的公仆风范和助人为乐、平易近人的高大形象。吴先生身上这些特有的精神内涵可以激励更多的年轻人不忘初心,砥砺前行。 [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
قاعدة البيانات: Academic Search Index