رسالة جامعية

汽車製造業之產業生態效益評估 ; Eco-efficiency Assessment for Automobile Industry

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 汽車製造業之產業生態效益評估 ; Eco-efficiency Assessment for Automobile Industry
المؤلفون: 林建名, Lin, Chien-Ming
المساهمون: 游以德, 臺灣大學:環境工程學研究所
سنة النشر: 2005
المجموعة: National Taiwan University Institutional Repository (NTUR)
مصطلحات موضوعية: 汽車產業, 環境績效, 生態效益, Automobile Industry, Eco-efficiency, Environmental performance, Indicators
الوصف: 環境的議題在21世紀已是全球最關注的焦點。綠色採購、綠色行銷及環保意識已逐漸成為一般消費者與採購決策重點之一。企業活動與生產之技術、產品之成份必須考慮到生態效益,這不只是一個趨勢,而是21世紀管理者在未來投資決策、研發、生產製程中,首要評估的要點。 本文依據世界企業永續發展委員會(WBCSD)提出的「生態效益」( Eco-efficiency ) 概念-以更少的資源及污染,提供更高的產品與服務價值;同時兼具增進經濟利益與改善環境品質-來評估一個汽車產業的環境與經濟績效。因此,本研究透過文獻探討、資料收集、個案訪談等方式,了解生態效益的歷程及建構汽車產業之生態效益指標。 個案企業試算研究顯示出,生態效益值的計算可供公司管理決策參考與標竿比較,能了解改善步驟的優先順序,結合豐田式生產管理同時可作為企業提昇獲利能力及環境保護績效的決策參考工具。 ; In the 21st Century environmental concerns become global one of most important issues. Business put their attention on their product and their green procurement processes. Customers are also more critical about the products that there are purchased. Green marketing and green consumption are more emphasized each day through business practice. Global business through supply chain green procurement processes requires make systemic changes to meet their competition in their markets. We need good Eco-efficiency information in order to evaluate such as clean production technology adaptation, compute products’ Eco-efficiency as well as future investment decisions among others. This paper based on the concept of “Eco-efficiency” framework, to evaluate both the economic performance and the environmental performance of Automobile Industry. This study consists of literature review, data research, and case study to reveal and understand the status of Eco-efficiency development, current status and future development. This research also provides systematic thinking for Eco-efficiency and construct Automobile Industry Eco-efficiency indicator. Taiwan Kuozui Motors (Toyota) were selected for the case study. The study shows the following results: The eco-efficiency ratios calculated from the data provided by the company showed that these ratios could be used for companies to track their performance and to set the priority with TPS (Toyota Production System) for future improvement, as well as to be the internal and external communication tool. ; 第一章 緒論………………………………………………….1 1.1 研究緣起…………………………………….1 1.2 研究範疇…………………………………….….5 1.3 研究目的……………………………………….………….7 第二章 ...
نوع الوثيقة: thesis
وصف الملف: 1840297 bytes; application/pdf
اللغة: Chinese
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الإتاحة: http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/62788Test
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.BD55902E
قاعدة البيانات: BASE