Soils Revealed soil carbon futures

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Soils Revealed soil carbon futures
المؤلفون: Sanderman, Jonathan, Woolf, Dominic, Lehmann, Johannes, Rivard, Charlotte, Poggio, Laura, Heuvelink, Gerard, Bossio, Deborah
المساهمون: Sanderman, Jonathan
بيانات النشر: Harvard Dataverse
المجموعة: Harvard Dataverse Network
مصطلحات موضوعية: Earth and Environmental Sciences, soil, climate mitigation, agriculture
الوصف: These data are a fully spatial implementation of the IPCC (2019) Tier I bookkeeping approach to soil organic carbon stock change for a series of scenarios. Report describing methodologies (pdf) and summary table of country level soil carbon stock change (excel) are also included. For each of 9 different land use scenarios, maps of the 20 year change in SOC stocks (Mg C ha-1) are supplied. For a restoration to native vegetation scenario, the eventual steady state SOC stocks are also supplied. Spatial maps of IPCC climate zones, IPCC SOC reference stocks, and land classes are included. Scenario file are named scenario_xxxx_dSOC_Yzz where: xxxx = scenario name, and zz = years after change in land use or management All scenario rasters are in units of Mg C / ha to 30 cm depth Scenarios -- crop_MG: Cropland, improved management only; crop_MGI: Cropland, improved management and inputs; crop_I: Cropland, improved inputs only; grass-part: Grassland, partial restoration; grass-full: Grassland, full restoration; rewilding: Restoration to natural vegetation; degradation-ForestToGrass: Degradation (includes deforestation to degraded grassland condition); degradation-ForestToCrop: Degradation (includes deforestation to cropland); degradation-NoDeforestation: Degradation (no deforestation).
نوع الوثيقة: other/unknown material
اللغة: unknown
DOI: 10.7910/DVN/HA17D3
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.5EE6EB02
قاعدة البيانات: BASE