دورية أكاديمية

Postoperative infection following craniotomy in adults

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Postoperative infection following craniotomy in adults
العنوان البديل: L'infection postopératoire après craniotomie chez l'adulte
المؤلفون: Idali, B.1, Lahyat, B.1 brah56@yahoo.fr, Khaleq, K.1, Ibahioin, K.2, El Azhari, A.2, Barrou, L.1
المصدر: Medecine & Maladies Infectieuses. May2004, Vol. 34 Issue 5, p221-224. 4p.
الملخص (بالإنجليزية): Objective. – The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors for postoperative infection after craniotomy, a threat for the vital prognosis, in order to define specific prevention measures.Method and patients. – An open prospective study was made on all adult patients undergoing craniotomy and followed 30 days postoperatively. The infections were defined according to CDCA criteria. The parameters studied were: age, sex, ASA and Glasgow scores, neurosurgical history, the type, the moment and the surface of shaving, antibioprophylaxis, and the type and duration of surgery as well as its emergency level.Results. – One hundred and seventy patients were included. Thirty presented with an infection (17.6%), nine with a skull infection, 13 with meningitis, three with empyema, and two with osteitis. The risk factors identified thanks to a univariate analysis were the emergency level of surgery (P < 0.01), duration of surgery >200 min, and duration of stay in ICU >72 h (P < 0.02). [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
Abstract (French): Objectif. – Le but de cette e´tude est de de´terminer les facteurs de risque d'infection postope´ratoire apre`s craniotomie, complication grave pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic vital.Me´thode et patients. – E´tude prospective sur des ope´re´s d'une craniotomie. Les infections ont e´te´ de´finies selon les crite`res du CDC. Les parame`tres e´tudie´s e´taient : l'aˆge, le sexe, les scores d'ASA et de Glasgow, les ante´ce´dents neurochirurgicaux, le type, le moment et la surface du rasage ; le type, la dure´e de l'intervention et le caracte`re urgent.Re´sultats. – Cent soixante-dix patients ont e´te´ inclus dont 30 pre´sentant une infection (17,60 %) dont neuf infections du scalp, 13 me´ningites, trois empye`mes, trois abce`s et deux oste´ites. Les facteurs de risque identifie´s e´taient le caracte`re urgent de la chirurgie (p < 0,01), la dure´e de chirurgie > 200 minutes (p < 0,02) et une dure´e de se´jour en re´animation > 72 heures (p < 0,02). [Copyright 2004 Elsevier]
قاعدة البيانات: Academic Search Index