يعرض 1 - 3 نتائج من 3 نتيجة بحث عن '"EMAIL"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.39s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Anna Piechnik

    المصدر: Slavia Meridionalis, Vol 21 (2021)

    الوصف: From Formality to Familiarity: Greeting Formulas in Emails Written by Teachers to Parents The purpose of the article is the analysis of greeting formulas in emails written by teachers to parents. The linguistic material is based on 513 email messages sent to parents by means of an online parent portal (e-dziennik). The messages in question were sent by teachers representing a number of schools in Lesser Poland Province. The formal relationship between the participants of the communication and the written form of the exchanges clearly pertains to the traditional formality of the situation; as a result, expectations are raised in terms of the official style of utterances produced under these circumstances. The analysis of the obtained material indicates that greeting formulas used in emails diverge significantly from those used in official paper-based correspondence. Traditional formulas such as Szanowni Państwo (Dear Sir/Madame, Dear Sirs) are clearly replaced by formulas originating from direct verbal communication (Dzień dobry, Witam). There is an apparent tendency to become familiar with recipients by using emoticons or the language formulas present in private correspondence between people who have a close relationship. In addition to the lack of text segmentation, the overall linguistic layout and spelling strategies that prevail in both greeting formulas and the entire body of letters indicate a negligent attitude in terms of text layout. Od dystansu do poufałości. Formuły powitalne listów elektronicznych kierowanych przez nauczycieli do rodziców Celem artykułu jest analiza formuł powitalnych w listach elektronicznych nauczycieli do rodziców. Bazę materiałową stanowi 513 e-maili kierowanych przez nauczycieli wybranych szkół w południowej Polsce do rodziców za pośrednictwem dzienników elektronicznych. Formalny typ relacji między uczestnikami komunikacji oraz pisemna forma komunikatu stanowią tradycyjnie jaskrawy wykładnik oficjalności sytuacji i – co za tym idzie – powodują oczekiwanie oficjalnego stylu komunikatu powstającego w takiej sytuacji. Analiza materiału pokazuje, że formuły inicjalne listów elektronicznych znacząco odbiegają od grzecznościowych form powitalnych stosowanych w oficjalnej korespondencji papierowej. Nad tradycyjnym Szanowni Państwo wyraźnie dominują formuły zaczerpnięte z bezpośredniej komunikacji ustnej (Dzień dobry, Witam). Daje się zauważyć skłonność do przełamywania dystansu w postaci stosowania zwrotów do adresata, charakterystycznych dla korespondencji prywatnej między osobami będącymi w bliskiej relacji uczuciowej czy używania emotikonów. Kształt językowy i ortograficzny znacznej części formuł inicjalnych (ale i całości listów) oraz brak segmentacji tekstów świadczą o braku dbałości o graficzną stronę wiadomości.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية


    المصدر: Geodetski Vestnik; 2021, Vol. 65 Issue 3, p400-439, 40p

    الملخص (بالإنجليزية): Various possibilities for collecting volunteer-provided geographical information in geodesy make it possible to engage volunteers for different purposes. In this paper, a study of the willingness of volunteers to report changes on topographic maps based on an online survey is presented. The survey was answered by 653 Slovenian respondents who use various online or classic topographic maps in their free time or at work and are willing to report their knowledge of changes in space or errors in maps to the map-updating institution. The survey's main finding is that 56% of respondents would use any online application to report changes on maps, 38% of respondents would prefer to report changes via e-mail, and only 4% of respondents would prefer to report changes by phone. We also analysed the potential use of different functionalities of a web application for collecting changes and found that the most important functionalities for volunteers are those that give the most in-depth feedback (ie, that a contribution has been submitted, that it is being verified, that it has been considered, that it has been deleted). The willingness of potential volunte to use the various proposed functionalities also frequently depends on their current involvement with social networking sites or in volunteer associations and on their age group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Slovenian): Številne možnosti za zbiranje prostovoljnih geografskih informacij tudi v geodeziji omogočajo angažiranje prostovoljcev za različne namene. V članku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, izvedene v obliki spletne ankete, v kateri smo spraševali, kako bi bili prostovoljci pripravljeni sporočiti svoje védenje o spremembah v prostoru ali napakah na kartah ustanovi, ki skrbi za ažuriranje kart. Na vprašalnik je odgovorilo 653 anketirancev, ki v prostem času ali službeno uporabljajo spletne ali klasične topografske karte. Glavna ugotovitev raziskave je, da bi jih bilo 56 % pripravljenih uporabljati spletno aplikacijo za sporočanje sprememb na kartah, presenetljivo pa bi 38 % anketirancev raje sporočalo spremembe prek e-pošte, le 4 % vprašanih pa prek telefona. Analizirali smo se potencialno uporabo različnih funkcionalnosti spletne aplikacije za zbiranje sprememb, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da so za prostovoljce najpomembnejle funkcionalnosti, ki omogočajo čim bolj poglobljeno povratno komunikacijo (da je bil prispevek oddan, da se preverja, da je bil upoštevan, da je bil brisan). Pripravljenost potencialnih prostovoljcev za pogosto uporabo različnih predlaganih funkcionalnosti je odvisna je od njihove dosedanje aktivnosti na spletnih družabnih omrežjih ali v prostovoljskih društvih ter od starostne skupine, v katero se uvričajo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Geodetski Vestnik is the property of Sveza Geodetov Slovenije and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية


    المؤلفون: Čož, Martina Šetina

    المصدر: Iskanja; 2010, Vol. 28 Issue 37/38, p147-156, 10p, 1 Chart

    الملخص (بالإنجليزية): This article deals with ICT concept and its most used tools, like GSM, SMS, e-mail, internet chat-rooms, Second Life, IRC, Skype, Facebook, internet forums, blogs. There is presented an internet research conducted among pedagogical employees about which ICT tools are being used most frequently to communicate with students, parents, coworkers and in private life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Slovenian): Prispevek predstavlja pojem IKT in najbolj pogoste oblike IKT medijev: GSM, SMS, MMS, elektronska pošta, spletne klepetalnice, Second Life, IRC, Skype, Facebook, internetni forum, blog. Seznani nas s spletno raziskavo med pedagoškimi delavci o oblikah IKT medijev, ki jih najbolj pogosto uporabljajo v komunikaciji z učenci/dijaki, s starši, sodelavci in v zasebnem življenju. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Iskanja is the property of Community of Boarding Schools of Slovenia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)