Determinants of recovery from post-COVID-19 dyspnoea: analysis of UK prospective cohorts of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and community-based controls

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Determinants of recovery from post-COVID-19 dyspnoea: analysis of UK prospective cohorts of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and community-based controls
المؤلفون: Bang Zheng, Giulia Vivaldi, Luke Daines, Olivia C. Leavy, Matthew Richardson, Omer Elneima, Hamish J.C. McAuley, Aarti Shikotra, Amisha Singapuri, Marco Sereno, Ruth M. Saunders, Victoria C. Harris, Linzy Houchen-Wolloff, Neil J. Greening, Paul E. Pfeffer, John R. Hurst, Jeremy S. Brown, Manu Shankar-Hari, Carlos Echevarria, Anthony De Soyza, Ewen M. Harrison, Annemarie B. Docherty, Nazir Lone, Jennifer K. Quint, James D. Chalmers, Ling-Pei Ho, Alex Horsley, Michael Marks, Krishna Poinasamy, Betty Raman, Liam G. Heaney, Louise V. Wain, Rachael A. Evans, Christopher E. Brightling, Adrian Martineau, Aziz Sheikh, K. Abel, H. Adamali, D. Adeloye, O. Adeyemi, R. Adrego, L.A. Aguilar Jimenez, S. Ahmad, N. Ahmad Haider, R. Ahmed, N. Ahwireng, M. Ainsworth, B. Al-Sheklly, A. Alamoudi, M. Ali, M. Aljaroof, A.M. All, L. Allan, R.J. Allen, L. Allerton, L. Allsop, P. Almeida, D. Altmann, M. Alvarez Corral, S. Amoils, D. Anderson, C. Antoniades, G. Arbane, A. Arias, C. Armour, L. Armstrong, N. Armstrong, D. Arnold, H. Arnold, A. Ashish, A. Ashworth, M. Ashworth, S. Aslani, H. Assefa-Kebede, C. Atkin, P. Atkin, R. Aul, H. Aung, L. Austin, C. Avram, A. Ayoub, M. Babores, R. Baggott, J. Bagshaw, D. Baguley, L. Bailey, J.K. Baillie, S. Bain, M. Bakali, M. Bakau, E. Baldry, D. Baldwin, M. Baldwin, C. Ballard, A. Banerjee, B. Bang, R.E. Barker, L. Barman, S. Barratt, F. Barrett, D. Basire, N. Basu, M. Bates, A. Bates, R. Batterham, H. Baxendale, H. Bayes, M. Beadsworth, P. Beckett, M. Beggs, M. Begum, P. Beirne, D. Bell, R. Bell, K. Bennett, E. Beranova, A. Bermperi, A. Berridge, C. Berry, S. Betts, E. Bevan, K. Bhui, M. Bingham, K. Birchall, L. Bishop, K. Bisnauthsing, J. Blaikely, A. Bloss, A. Bolger, C.E. Bolton, J. Bonnington, A. Botkai, C. Bourne, M. Bourne, K. Bramham, L. Brear, G. Breen, J. Breeze, A. Briggs, E. Bright, C.E. Brightling, S. Brill, K. Brindle, L. Broad, A. Broadley, C. Brookes, M. Broome, A. Brown, J. Brown, J.S. Brown, M. Brown, V. Brown, T. Brugha, N. Brunskill, M. Buch, P. Buckley, A. Bularga, E. Bullmore, L. Burden, T. Burdett, D. Burn, G. Burns, A. Burns, J. Busby, R. Butcher, A. Butt, S. Byrne, P. Cairns, P.C. Calder, E. Calvelo, H. Carborn, B. Card, C. Carr, L. Carr, G. Carson, P. Carter, A. Casey, M. Cassar, J. Cavanagh, M. Chablani, T. Chalder, J.D. Chalmers, R.C. Chambers, F. Chan, K.M. Channon, K. Chapman, A. Charalambou, N. Chaudhuri, A. Checkley, J. Chen, Y. Cheng, L. Chetham, C. Childs, E.R. Chilvers, H. Chinoy, A. Chiribiri, K. Chong-James, G. Choudhury, N. Choudhury, P. Chowienczyk, C. Christie, M. Chrystal, D. Clark, C. Clark, J. Clarke, S. Clohisey, G. Coakley, Z. Coburn, S. Coetzee, J. Cole, C. Coleman, F. Conneh, D. Connell, B. Connolly, L. Connor, A. Cook, B. Cooper, J. Cooper, S. Cooper, D. Copeland, T. Cosier, M. Coulding, C. Coupland, E. Cox, T. Craig, P. Crisp, D. Cristiano, M.G. Crooks, A. Cross, I. Cruz, P. Cullinan, D. Cuthbertson, L. Daines, M. Dalton, P. Daly, A. Daniels, P. Dark, J. 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المساهمون: PHOSP-COVID Study Collaborative Group
المصدر: Zheng, B, Vivaldi, G, Daines, L, Leavy, O C, Richardson, M, Elneima, O, McAuley, H J C, Shikotra, A, Singapuri, A, Sereno, M, Saunders, R M, Harris, V C, Houchen-Wolloff, L, Greening, N J, Peffer, P E, Hurst, J R, Brown, J S, Shankar-Hari, M, Echevarria, C, De Soyza, A, Harrison, E M, Docherty, A B, Lone, N I, Quint, J K, Chalmers, J D, Ho, L-P, Horsley, A, Marks, M P, Poinasamy, K, Raman, B, Heaney, L G, Wain, L V, Evans, R A, Brightling, C E & Martineau, A R & Sheikh, A 2023, ' Determinants of recovery from post-COVID-19 dyspnoea: analysis of UK prospective cohorts of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and community-based controls ', The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, vol. 29, 100635 .
PHOSP-COVID Study Collaborative Group 2023, ' Determinants of recovery from post-COVID-19 dyspnoea : analysis of UK prospective cohorts of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and community-based controls ', The Lancet Regional Health-Europe .
بيانات النشر: Elsevier BV, 2023.
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: Long COVID, Oncology, Recovery, Health Policy, Dyspnoea, Cohort, Internal Medicine, COVID-19
الوصف: Data sharing statement: PHOSP-COVID: The protocol, consent form, definition and derivation of clinical characteristics and outcomes, training materials, regulatory documents, requests for data access and other relevant study materials are available online at https://www.phosp.orgTest. COVIDENCE UK: De-identified participant data will be made available upon reasonable request to the corresponding author. Supplementary data is available online at: . Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Background: The risk factors for recovery from COVID-19 dyspnoea are poorly understood. We investigated determinants of recovery from dyspnoea in adults with COVID-19 and compared these to determinants of recovery from non-COVID-19 dyspnoea. Methods: We used data from two prospective cohort studies: PHOSP-COVID (patients hospitalised between March 2020 and April 2021 with COVID-19) and COVIDENCE UK (community cohort studied over the same time period). PHOSP-COVID data were collected during hospitalisation and at 5-month and 1-year follow-up visits. COVIDENCE UK data were obtained through baseline and monthly online questionnaires. Dyspnoea was measured in both cohorts with the Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale. We used multivariable logistic regression to identify determinants associated with a reduction in dyspnoea between 5-month and 1-year follow-up. Findings: We included 990 PHOSP-COVID and 3309 COVIDENCE UK participants. We observed higher odds of improvement between 5-month and 1-year follow-up among PHOSP-COVID participants who were younger (odds ratio 1.02 per year, 95% CI 1.01–1.03), male (1.54, 1.16–2.04), neither obese nor severely obese (1.82, 1.06–3.13 and 4.19, 2.14–8.19, respectively), had no pre-existing anxiety or depression (1.56, 1.09–2.22) or cardiovascular disease (1.33, 1.00–1.79), and shorter hospital admission (1.01 per day, 1.00–1.02). Similar associations were found in those recovering from non-COVID-19 dyspnoea, excluding age (and length of hospital admission). Interpretation: Factors associated with dyspnoea recovery at 1-year post-discharge among patients hospitalised with COVID-19 were similar to those among community controls without COVID-19. Funding: PHOSP-COVID is supported by a grant from the MRC-UK Research and Innovation and the Department of Health and Social Care through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) rapid response panel to tackle COVID-19. The views expressed in the publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Health Service (NHS), the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. COVIDENCE UK is supported by the UK Research and Innovation, the National Institute for Health Research, and Barts Charity. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the funders. PHOSP-COVID: This study would not be possible without all the participants who have given their time and support. We thank all the participants and their families. We thank the many research administrators, health-care and social-care professionals who contributed to setting up and delivering the study at all of the 65 NHS trusts/Health boards and 25 research institutions across the UK, as well as all the supporting staff at the NIHR Clinical Research Network, Health Research Authority, Research Ethics Committee, Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health Scotland, and Public Health England, and support from the ISARIC Coronavirus Clinical Characterisation Consortium. We thank Kate Holmes at the NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure (NOCRI) for her support in coordinating the charities group. The PHOSP-COVID industry framework was formed to provide advice and support in commercial discussions, and we thank the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry as well NOCRI for coordinating this. We are very grateful to all the charities that have provided insight to the study: Action Pulmonary Fibrosis, Alzheimer's Research UK, Asthma + Lung UK, British Heart Foundation, Diabetes UK, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Kidney Research UK, MQ Mental Health, Muscular Dystrophy UK, Stroke Association Blood Cancer UK, McPin Foundations, and Versus Arthritis. We thank the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre patient and public involvement group and Long Covid Support. COVIDENCE UK: We thank all participants of COVIDENCE UK, and the following organisations who supported study recruitment: Asthma UK/British Lung Foundation, the British Heart Foundation, the British Obesity Society, Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK, Future Publishing, Kidney Care UK, Kidney Wales, Mumsnet, the National Kidney Federation, the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society, the North West London Health Research Register (DISCOVER), Primary Immunodeficiency UK, the Race Equality Foundation, SWM Health, the Terence Higgins Trust, and Vasculitis UK.
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تدمد: 2666-7762
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الانضمام: edsair.doi.dedup.....b74f908f4125dccf39d6d3b0bf33b197
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