دورية أكاديمية

Post-anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants (POPULAR): a multicentre, prospective observational study

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Post-anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants (POPULAR): a multicentre, prospective observational study
المؤلفون: Kirmeier E. a, Eriksson L. I. c, Lewald H. a, Jonsson Fagerlund, M. c Hoeft, A. f Hollmann, M. g Meistelman, C. e Hunter, J. M. d Ulm, K. b Blobner, M. aEmail Author, Abad Gurumeta, A. Abernethy, C. Abigail, P. Achaibar, K. Adam, E. Afshari, Agudelo Montoya, M. E. Akgün, F. N. Aletti, G. Alkış, N. Allan, K. Allan, A. Allaouchiche, B. Allcock, C. Almasy, E. Amey, I. Amigoni, M. Andersen, E. Andersson, P. Anipchenko, N. Antunes, P. Armstrong, E. Aslam, T. N. Aslin, B. Assunção, J. P. Ausserer, J. Avvai, M. Awad, Ayas Montero, B. Ayuso, M. Azevedo, P. Badarau, V. Badescu, Baiardo Redaelli, M. Baird, C. Baird, Y. Baker, T. Balaji, P. Bălan, C. Balandin, A. Balescu-Arion, C. Baliuliene, Baltasar Isabel, J. Baluch, S. N. Bandrabur, D. Bankewitz, C. Barber, K. Barbera, F. Barcraft-Barnes, H. Barletti, V. Barnett, G. Baron, K. Barros, A. Barsan, V. Bartlett, P. Batistaki, C. Baumgarten, G. Baytas, V. Beauchamp, Becerra Cayetano, I. A. Bell, S. Bellandi, M. Belletti, Belmonte Cuenca, J. Benitez-Cano, A. Beretta, L. Berger, M. Bergmann, N. Bergmark, Bermudez Lopez, M. Bernotaite, M. Beurskens, C. Bidd, H. Bifulco, F. Bignami, E. Bilic, A. Bilskiene, D. Bischoff, P. Bishop, L. Bjonness, T. Blaylock, H. Blethyn, K. Blincoe, T. Blokhin, I. Blunt, N. Boer, C. Bois, G. Bonicolini, E. Booth, J. Borecka-Kedzierska, M. Borstnar, K. Borys, M. Boselli, E. Bouvet, L. Bouwman, A. Bowen, L. Bowrey, S. Boxall, L. Božić, T. Bradley, T. Branco, T. Brazzi, L. Brazzoni, M. Brear, T. Brogly, N. Brohi, F. Broms, J. Bubliauskas, A. Bucolo, G. E. Buerkle, H. Buggy, D. Buhre, W. Bukauskas, T. Butturini, F. Byttner, Cabrera Díaz, I. Calderon, A. Calhau, R. Callejo, A. Cammu, G. Campesato, M. Can, Ö. S. Candeias, M. Cantor, A. Carise, E. Carmona, C. Carreteiro, J. Carrieri, C. Carter, A. Casal, M. Casanova, I. Cascella, M. Casero, L. M. Casiraghi, G. M. Castelo-Branco, Castro Arranz, C. Cernea, D. D. Cervantes, J. Chandler, B. Charnock, R. Chatzimicali, A. Chinery, E. Chishti, A. Chondhury, P. Christie, E. Christodoudiles, G. Ciardo, S. Cimpeanu, L. Cindea, I. Cinnella, G. Clark, S. Clayton, M. Cocu, S. Collyer, T. Colvin, C. Cope, S. Copeta, F. Copotoiu, S. -M., Correia de Barros, F. Corso, R. M. Cortegiani, A. Costa, G. Cowton, A. Cox, N. Craig, J. Cricca, V. Cronin, J. Cunha, M. Cuomo, A. Curley, K. Czuczwar, M. Dabrowska, D. Damster, Danguy des Déserts, M. Daniliuc, A. Danninger, T. Darwish, I. Dascalu, C. Davies, K. Davies, De Boer, De Flaviis, De Selincourt, G. Deana, C. Debaene, B. Debreceni, G. Dedhia, Delgado Garcia, Della Rocca, G. Delroy-Buelles, L. Desai, T. Dhillon, Di Giacinto, Di Mauro, Diaz Gomez, T. V. Dimitrovski, A. Dinic, V. Dîrzu, D. -S., Divander M. B., Dolinar J., Domingues S., Doolan J., Downes C., Dragoescu N. A., Droc G., Dum E., Dumitrescu A., Duncan L., Dzurňáková P., Eberl S., Edwards J., Edwards M., Ekelund K., Ekengren P., Elghouty E., Ellerkmann R., Ellis H., Elme A., Ernst T., Errando C. L., Estenes S., Ewaldsson C., Farid N., Featherstone J., Febres D., Fedorov S., Feggeler J., Feijten P., Fellmann T., Fernandez Candil, Fernandez Castineira, Fernández Castineira, J. Fernando, A. Ferrando, C. Ferreira, L. Ferreira, P. Feyling, A. Filipescu, D. Fleischer, A. Floris, L. Foerster, U. Fox, B. Franke, U. Frasca, D. Frey, C. Frost, V. Fullin, G. Fumagalli, J. Furneval, J. Fusari, M. Gallacher, S. Galushka, S. Gambale, G. Gambino, I. Garcia-Perez, M. L. Garg, S. Garlak, J. Gavranovic, Z. Gavrilov, R. Gaynor, Gecaj Gashi, A. Georghiou, M. Gerjevic, B. Gferer, G. Giarratano, A. Gibson, A. Gievski, V. Giles, J. Gillberg, L. Gilowska, Gilsanz Rodriguez, F. Gioia, A. Giovannoni, C. Girotra, V. Gkinas, D. Gkiokas, G. Godoroja, D. Goebel, U. Goel, V. Gonzalez, M. Goranovic, T. Gornik-Wlaszczuk, E. Gosavi, S. Gottfridsson, P. Gottschalk, A. Granell, M. Granstrom, A. Grassetto, A. Greenwood, A. Grigoras, I. Grintescu, I. Gritsan, A. Gritsan, G. Grynyuk, A. Guadagnin, G. M. Guarnieri, M. Güçlü, Guerrero Diez, M. Gunenc, F. Günther, U. Gupta, P. Guttenthaler, V. Hack, Y. Hafisayena, A. Hagau, N. Haldar, J. Hales, D. Hancı, V. Hanna-Jumma, S. Harazim, H. Harlet, P. Harper, D. Harris, B. Harvey, O. Hashimi, M. Hawkins, L. Hayes, C. Heaton, J. Heier, T. Helliwell, L. Hemmes, S. Henderson, K. Hermanides, J. Hermanns, Herrera Hueso, B. Hestenes, S. Hettiarachchi, R. Highgate, J. Hodgson, K. Hoelbling, D. Holland, J. Horhota, L. Hormis, A. Hribar, R. Hua, A. Humphreys, S. Humphries, R. Humpliková, S. Hunt, J. Husnain, A. Hussein, A. Hyams, B. Iannuccelli, F. Ilette, K. Ilyas, C. Inan, T. India, I. Ionițăv, V. Irwin, F. Jain, V. Janez, B. Jankovic, R. Jenkins, S. Jenko, M. Jimenez, Jiménez Gomez, B. Joachim, S. Joelsson-Alm, E. John, J. Jonikaite, L. Jovic, M. Jungwirth, B. Junke, E. Kabakov, B. Kadaoui, S. -D., Kanski A., Karadag S., Karbonskiene A., Karjagin J., Kasnik D., Katanolli F., Katsika E., Kaufmann K., Keane H., Kelly M., Kent M., Keraitiene G., Khudhur A., Khuenl-Brady K., Kidd L., King S., Kirchgäßner K., Klancir T., Klucniks A., Knotzer J., Knowlden P., Koers L., Kompan J., Koneti K. K., Kooij F., Koolen E., Koopman - van Gemert, A. W. M. M. Kopp, K. Korfiotis, D. Korolkov, O. Kosinová, M. Köstenberger, M. Kotzinger, O. Kovačević, M. Kranke, P. Kranke, E. Kraus, C. Kraus, S. Kubitzek, C. Kucharski, R. Kucukguclu, S. Kudrashou, A. Kumar, V. Kummen, L. Kunit, C. Kushakovsky, V. Kuvaki, B. Kuzmanovska, B. Kyttari, A. Landoni, G. Lau, G. Lazarev, K. Legett, S. Legrottaglie, A. M. Leonardi, S. Leong, M. Lercher, H. Leuvrey, M. Leva, B. Levstek, M. Limb, J. Lindholm, E. Linton, F. Liperi, C. Lipski, F. Lirk, P. Lisi, A. Lišková, Lluch Oltra, A. Loganathan, V. Lombardi, S. Lopez, Lopez Rodríguez, M. Lorenzini, L. Lowicka, M. Lugovoy, A. Luippold, M. Lumb, A. Macas, A. Macgregor, M. Machado, H. Maciariello, M. Madeira, I. Maitan, S. Majewski, J. Maldini, B. Malewski, G. Manfredini, L. Männer, O. Marchand, B. Marcu, A. Margalef, J. Margarson, M. Marinheiro, L. Markic, Markovic Bozic, J. Marrazzo, F. Martin, Martin Ayuso, M. Martinez, E. Martino, E. A. Martinson, V. Marusic-Gaser, K. Mascarenhas, C. Mathis, C. Matsota, P. Mavrommati, Mazul Sunko, B. McCourt, K. McGill, N. McKee, R. Meço, B. C. Meier, S. Melbourne, S. Melbybråthen, G. Meli, A. Melia, A. Melotti, R. M. Menga, M. R. Mercer, P. Merotra, S. Mescolini, S. Metterlein, T. Michalov, M. Michlig, S. Midgley, S. Milić, M. Milojevic, M. Miñana, A. Minto, G. Mirabella, L. Mirea, L. Mittelstädt, L. Moeglen, A. Moise, A. Mokini, Z. Molin, A. Moltó, L. Monea, M. C. Montalto, F. Montgomery, J. Montgomery, C. Montillo, G. Moore, S. Moore, F. Moreira, Z. Moreno, T. Moreno, R. Moret, E. Moreton, S. Morgan, Moro Velasco, C. Morri, D. Moull, A. Moura, F. Mráz, P. Mrozek, K. Mukhtar, K. Muniyappa, S. Murray, H. Murthy, B. V. Mushambi, M. Nadolski, M. Nardelli, P. Nardin, Navarro Pérez, R. Naveiro, A. Negri, Nesek Adam, V. Neskovic, V. Neuwersch, S. Neves, M. Nguyen, Ní Eochagáin, A. Nicholas, C. Nightingale, J. Norrie, K. Novak-Jankovic, V. Novakova, A. Novillo, M. Numan, S. Oduro-Dominah, L. Oldner, A. Oliveira, I. Ologoiu, D. Oloktsidou, I. O'Reilly, R. Orlando, A. Ovezov, A. Ozbilgin, S. Paal, Padin Barreiro, L. Palugniok, R. Papaioannou, A. Papapostolou, K. Paranthaman, Pardey Bracho, G. Parente, S. Parfeni, A. Pasin, L. Passey, S. Pastor, E. Patch, S. Patil, A. Paunescu, M. -A., Pehboeck D., Pereira M., Pereira C., Perez Caballero, Pérez García, Pérez Soto, Perez Tejero, G. Perez-Cerda, F. Pesenti, A. Petta, R. Philippe, S. Pickering, Pico Veloso, J. Pina, P. Pinho-Oliveira, V. Pinol, S. Pinto, R. Pistidda, L. Pitterle, M. Piwowarczyk, P. Plotnikova, O. Pohl, H. Poldermann, J. Polkovicová, L. Pompei, L. Popescu, M. Popović, Pota V, Potocnik M., Potręć B., Potter A., Pramod N., Prchalova M., Preckel B., Pugh R., Pulletz M., Radoeshki A., Rafi A., Ragazzi R., Raineri Santi, M. Rajamanickam, T. Rajput, Z. Ramachandran, R. Ramasamy, R. Ramessur, S. Rao, R. Rasmussen, A. Rato, A. Razaque, Real Navacerrada, M. I. Reavley, C. Reid, J. Reschreiter, H. Rial, Ribas Carrasco, P. Ribeiro, S. Rich, N. Richardson, L. Rimaitis, K. Rimaitis, M. Ringvold, E. -M., Ripke F., Ristescu I., Ritchie K., Ródenas F., Rodrigues P., Rogers E., Rogerson D., Romagnoli S., Romero E., Rondovic G., Rose B. O., Roth W., Rotter, M. -T., Rousseau G., Rudjord A., Rueffert H., Rundgren M., Rupprecht K., Rushton A., Russotto V., Rypulak E., Ryszka M., Sà J., Sà Couto, P. Saby, S. Sagic, J. Saleh, O. Sales, Sánchez Sánchez, Y. Sanghera, Şanli Karip, Santiveri Papiol, F. J. Santos, S. Sarno, S. Saul, D. Saunders, D. Savic, N. Scalco, L. Scanlon, D. Schaller, S. Schax, C. Scheffer, G. J. Schening, A. Schiavone, V. Schmidt-Ehrenberg, F. Schmidt-Mutter, C. Schönberg, C. Schopflin, C. Schreiber, J. -U., Schultz M., Schurig M., Scott C., Sebestian S., Sehgal S., Sem V., Semenas E., Serafini E., Serchan P., Shields M., Shobha R., Shosholcheva M., Siamansour T., Siddaiah N., Siddiqi K., Sinclair R., Singh P., Singh R., Sinha A., Skinner A., Smee E., Smekalova O., Smith N., Smith T., Smitz C., Smole D., Sojčić N., Soler Pedrola, M. Somanath, S. Sonksen, J. Sorella, M. C. Sörmus, A. Soro, M. Soto, C. Spada, A. Spadaro, S. Spaeth, J. Sparr, H. Spielmann, A. Spindler-Vesel, A. Stamelos, Stancombe L, L. Stanculescu, A. Standl, T. Standley, T. Stanek, O. Stanisavljević, S. Starczewska, M. Stäuble, C. Steen, J. Stefan, O. M. Stell, E. Stera, C. Stevens, M. Stoerckel, M. Stošić, B. Stourac, P. Stroumpoulis, K. Struck, Suarez de la Rica, A. Sultanpori, Sundara Rajan, R. Suying, O. Svensen, C. Swan, L. Syrogianni, P. Sysiak, J. Szederjesi, J. Taddei, Tan Hao, E. Tanou, V. Tarabová, Tardaguila Sancho, P. Tarroso, M. Tartaglione, M. Taylor, E. Tbaily, L. Telford, R. Terenzoni, M. Theodoraki, K. Thornley, H. Tiganiuc, L. Toim, H. Tomescu, D. Tommasino, C. Toni, J. Toninelli, A. Toretti, I. Townley, S. Trepenaitis, D. Trethowan, B. Tsaousi, G. Tsiftsi, A. Tudor, A. Turan, G. Turhan, S. Ç. Unic-Stojanovic, D. Unterbuchner, C. Unzueta, C. Uranjek, J. Ursic, T. Vaida, Valldeperas Ferrer, Valldeperas Hernandez, M. I. Valsamidis, Van Beek, Van dasselaer, Van Der Beek, Van Duivenvoorde, van Klei, W. A., Van Poorter, Van Zaane, Van Zundert, Van Zyl, Vargas Munoz, A. M. Varsani, N. Vasconcelos, P. Vassilakis, G. Vecchiatini, T. Vecera, L. Vercauteren, M. Verdouw, B. Verheyen, V. Verri, Vicari Sottosanti, L. G. Vico, Vidal Mitjans, P. Vilardi, A. Vissicchio, D. Vitale, G. Vitković, B. Vizcaychipi, M. P. Voicu, A. Voje, M. Volfová, I. Volta, C. A., Von Lutterotti, von Tiesenhausen, A. Vrecic-Slabe, S. Vukcevic, D. Vukovic, R. Vullo, P. A. Wade, A. Wallberg, H. Wallden, J. Wallner, Walther Sturesson, L. Watson, D. Weber, Wegiel Leskiewiq, A. Weller, D. Wensing, C. Werkmann, M. Westberg, H. Wikström, E. Williams, B. Wilson, R. Wirth, S. Wittmann, M. Wood, L. Wright, S. Zachoval, C. Zambon, M. Zampieri, S. Zampone, S. Zangrillo, A. Zani, G. Zavackiene, A. Zieglerder, R. Zonneveldt, H. Zsisku, L. Zucker, T. -P., Żukowski M., Zuleika M., Zupanĕiĕ D.
المساهمون: Kirmeier, E. a., Eriksson, L. I. c., Lewald, H. a., Jonsson, Fagerlund, Hoeft, M. c., Hollmann, A. f., Meistelman, M. g., Hunter, C. e., Ulm, J. M. d., Blobner, K. b., M., aEmail Author, Abad, Gurumeta, A., Abernethy, C., Abigail, P., Achaibar, K., Adam, E., Afshari, Agudelo, Montoya, M. E., Akgün, F. N., Aletti, G., Alkış, N., Allan, K., Allan, A., Allaouchiche, B., Allcock, C., Almasy, E., Amey, I., Amigoni, M., Andersen, E., Andersson, P., Anipchenko, N., Antune, P., Armstrong, E., Aslam, T. N., Aslin, B., Assunção, J. P., Ausserer, J., Avvai, M., Awad, Ayas, Montero, B., Ayuso, M., Azevedo, P., Badarau, V., Badescu, Baiardo, Redaelli, M., Baird, C., Baird, Y., Baker, T., Balaji, P., Bălan, C., Balandin, A., Balescu-Arion, C., Baliuliene, Baltasar, Isabel, J., Baluch, S. N., Bandrabur, D., Bankewitz, C., Barber, K., Barbera, F., Barcraft-Barne, H., Barletti, V., Barnett, G., Baron, K., Barro, A., Barsan, V., Bartlett, P., Batistaki, C., Baumgarten, G., Bayta, V., Beauchamp, Becerra, Cayetano, I. A., Bell, S., Bellandi, M., Belletti, Belmonte, Cuenca, J., Benitez-Cano, A., Beretta, L., Berger, M., Bergmann, N., Bergmark, Bermudez, Lopez, M., Bernotaite, M., Beursken, C., Bidd, H., Bifulco, F., Bignami, E., Bilic, A., Bilskiene, D., Bischoff, P., Bishop, L., Bjonne, T., Blaylock, H., Blethyn, K., Blincoe, T., Blokhin, I., Blunt, N., Boer, C., Boi, G., Bonicolini, E., Booth
سنة النشر: 2019
المجموعة: Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli": CINECA IRIS V:
الوصف: Background Results from retrospective studies suggest that use of neuromuscular blocking agents during general anaesthesia might be linked to postoperative pulmonary complications. We therefore aimed to assess whether the use of neuromuscular blocking agents is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications.Methods We did a multicentre, prospective observational cohort study. Patients were recruited from 211 hospitals in 28 European countries. We included patients (aged >= 18 years) who received general anaesthesia for any in-hospital procedure except cardiac surgery. Patient characteristics, surgical and anaesthetic details, and chart review at discharge were prospectively collected over 2 weeks. Additionally, each patient underwent postoperative physical examination within 3 days of surgery to check for adverse pulmonary events. The study outcome was the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications from the end of surgery up to postoperative day 28. Logistic regression analyses were adjusted for surgical factors and patients' preoperative physical status, providing adjusted odds ratios (ORadj) and adjusted absolute risk reduction (ARR(adj)). This study is registered with ClinicalTrials. gov, number NCT01865513.Findings Between June 16, 2014, and April 29, 2015, data from 22 803 patients were collected. The use of neuromuscular blocking agents was associated with an increased incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients who had undergone general anaesthesia (1658 [7.6%] of 21 694); ORadj 1.86, 95% CI 1.53-2.26; ARR(adj) -4.4%, 95% CI -5.5 to -3.2). Only 2.3% of high-risk surgical patients and those with adverse respiratory profiles were anaesthetised without neuromuscular blocking agents. The use of neuromuscular monitoring (ORadj 1.31, 95% CI 1.15-1.49; ARR(adj) -2.6%, 95% CI -3.9 to -1.4) and the administration of reversal agents (1.23, 1.07-1.41; -1.9%, -3.2 to -0.7) were not associated with a decreased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Neither the choice of ...
نوع الوثيقة: article in journal/newspaper
اللغة: English
العلاقة: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/30224322; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000457172000023; volume:7; issue:2; firstpage:129-140; lastpage:140; journal:THE LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE; http://hdl.handle.net/11591/420122Test; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85060297287
DOI: 10.1016/S2213-2600(18)30294-7
الإتاحة: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600Test(18)30294-7
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.FD939D1B
قاعدة البيانات: BASE